I see my self as a professional skateboarder

Interview with Houda Ait Lahcen, Morocco
photo credit: Hamza Linforguist

My name is Houda Ait Lahcen. I'm 19 years old from Taroudant a city south of Morocco but I currently live in Essouira.

photo credit: Sm_ciel

How was life when growing up?
My life was pretty happy and simple when I was growing up

When did you start skateboarding and why?
I first skated at the beginning of 2019 but I stopped for 2 years and started again in March 2022. My friend had a skateboard as her birthday pressent, She showed it to me and we started skating together.

What keeps you glue to skateboarding?
From the first time it felt like something I would like to do everyday. But I think what makes me skate is, I get to learn new things. I get to be brave and trust myself. Also the love and support in skateboarding really motivates me and I want to be someone the next generation can look up to.

Who's your favorite skater in Morocco?
My favorite skater in Morocco? Mmmm, they're many and it's hard to choose but I will say Hanota and Nasim Lachhab

photo credit: ChantalPinzi.Photograph

What challenges do you face as a female skater?
My challenge will be that people in my city and my family don't really accept the idea of girls skating because they have this wrong idea of skateboarding being a sport for boys and that it's dangerous.

Heard you've got an awesome project going on, can you tell us about it?
So its a community I started for Moroccan girls called Tifrkhin Skate(IG: @tifrkhin_skate) to encourage them to start and continue skateboarding. We regularly organizes events, workshop, and meet ups to grow the female skate community in Morocco. Thanks to it, families have started understanding the benefits of skateboarding.

photo credit: Sm_ciel

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
In 5 years, I see my self as a professional skateboarder and participating in competitions around the world like SLS and the Olympics.

Do you have a trick you have a hard time with?
Yeah.Lol. I have been trying to learn hard flips but I can't really land it at the moment.

photo credit: ChantalPinzi.Photograph