I hope to compete in big contests and would like to have my own Thrasher part

Interview with Tijani Bouchareb, Morocco
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My name is Tijani and I am from Morocco. I'm 11 years old and I started skateboarding in the summer of last year. 2021 to be precise.

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How did you start skateboarding?
So my neighbor who used to skate was leaving the country and he gave me his skate ramp. That's how I started.

Where do you live at the moment?
I currently live in beautiful seaside town of Skhirat on Morocco's Atlantic coast. Its situated between Rabat and Casablanca.

How�s the skate scene like there?
The science is pretty sick, there are many (very good) skaters but unfortunately not enough structures, no sponsors, no competitions, no support etc...?

Thats pretty much like where I live. Whats your most memorable skate moment?
I have a lot but will say its the first time I landed my treflip

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Whats your future skate plan?
Well, I hope to compete in big contests and I will like to have my own Thrasher part ?

What's that one trick you've been trying to learn but can't really land at the moment?
this very moment? Errmmm� its an Impossible late flip Who's your favorite Moroccan skater?
It's too hard to pick one but will say you often repost many of them ?

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In the next 5 years, where do you see skateboarding in Morocco?
I'd better not dream too much... LMAO

Lol, okay if you�d change one thing, what will that be?
This is an easy one, haha� I would go back in time and prevent COVID existing

Anything you would like to add that wasn�t ask?
I'd say thanks to League SB, Skatemarket skateshop, Big up dist and everybody supporting me.

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